coding academy

Our Coding Academy teaches Africans online to code. Coding is a skill that young Africans need to succeed in society. The aim is to learn relevant coding skills in three months and then develop these skills in a personal project over the following three months.

click here to download our syllabushow to install python 3 & pycharm ideDownload our coding book

This training is precious and constitutes a real opportunity for us Africans.

— Lukress Yvanna Mbogne Kamno-PPiAI Coding class student of 2021 (Term 1)

Normally each year we recruit the first cohort of 40 students in December to start as soon as possible (probably in January the following year), then another cohort in June, which will probably start in July, the following month, and so on. You can apply at any time of the year.

only those who meet the following criteria can apply:

  • There Is No Registration Fee For The Six Months Of Classes (Tuition Is $0).
  • You Are An African
  • You Currently Live In sub-Saharan Africa
  • You Have Access To A Computer
  • You Are Willing To Dedicate Time For The Online Coding Classes

PPiAI Coding Class Application

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