New PPAI publication: Angola, a country drowning in unemployment by Jânio Ambrósio "In Angola, to tackle unemployment requires: 1. Better knowledge of reality, which is done with statistical data, ... 2. Encouraging sectors with greater capacity for absorbing workforce, such as agriculture or con- struction; 3. Strong coordination of fiscal and monetary economic policy measures, both of which currently in Angola contribute to job destruction; 4. Greater convergence of employability programs and other Government programs, with the aim of boosting job creation; 5. Structural reform of the economy with a focus on reducing administrative barriers, the cost of financing the private sector and eliminating the flaws in the definition of property rights; 6. Providing efficiency to the supply of public and semi-public goods and services to companies, such as the supply of electricity and water, contributing to the reduction of companies’ operating costs; 7. Education system aligned with the present and future needs of the private sector and the coun- try; 8. Gradual reduction of taxes, in order to stimulate the entry of new companies, both national and foreign."
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